Question: In all spiritual texts it is written that in this Kaliyuga man has become extremely materialistic and that is the main reason that he cannot express his divine form. Arjuna lived in the period of Dvapara-yuga wherein man was more spiritualistic; moreover he had attained tremendous knowledge of divinity. Despite all this how come he became entangled in the material world (which subsequently led to the teaching of Gita). Was it stage managed by lord Krishna to give a message for people of the yugas to follow? Please clarify.

What you say is correct about Arjuna and the Bhagavad Gita. Arjuna is the eternal associate of Lord Krishna in the spiritual abode of Vaikuntha. When lord Krishna incarnates, Arjuna incarnates with Him to assist Him in His activity of reestablishing dharma. If Arjuna was also self-realized and free from ignorance, there would be no need for Lord Krishna to speak Bhagavad Gita. And as a result we would not have this great spiritual treasure to give us guidance. Lord Krishna covers Arjuna’s pure consciousness with his Maya potency, so that this conversation of Bhagavad Gita can come out.

This pastimes is not just enacted once. It is eternally going on in different universes. Lord Krishna’s appearance is just like the rising and setting of the sun. When the sun sets here, it is rising somewhere else. So when Lord Krishna finishes His pastime of reestablishing dharma here, He performs the same pastime in another universe. Arjuna is always accompanying Him and taking the position of His disciple.

Even in other incarnations Arjuna accompanies the Lord for the same purpose. In the Gita Lord Krishna says:

bahuni me vyatitani
janmani tava carjuna
tany aham veda sarvani
na tvam vettha parantapa

“Many, many births both you and I have passed. I can remember all of them, but you cannot, O subduer of the enemy!”

When Lord Krishna spoke this same science of Bhagavad Gita to the Sun God (Surya) many millions of years ago, Arjuna was also present.

In summary, Arjuna is put under the influence of illusion simply for the benefit of the conditioned living entities.

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