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Update on Eye Operations for 102 Year Old Sadhu Brahma Chaitanya Das

Posted by | Dec 7, 2023 | 4,030 views

Back in February we had written about a senior sadhu in our area, Brahma Chaitanya Das, who needed to have cataract operations on both of his eyes, as due to his advanced age of 102 years he was no longer able to see clearly. Now that it is all complete we are able to inform you of the final update on everything.

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Taking 101 Year Old Sadhu Brahma Chaitanya Das to the Eye Hospital

Posted by | Feb 2, 2023 | 5,239 views

Three weeks ago we received an unexpected call from one of the devotees who lives near the ashram of the sadhus in Salandi Reserve Forest. The devotee told us, “Baba has agreed for an eye operation. Please come and take him to make the arrangements.” He was speaking of Brahma Chaitanya Das, the 101 year old sadhu who has spent most of his life living inside the forest at Chakratirtha.

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A Small Follow Up on My Visit to Nityananda Baba

Posted by | Sep 26, 2022 | 12,374 views

Last year (September 2021) I shared a post where Nityananda Baba told me the world war (vishwa yudha as sadhus call it) would begin in 2022. On the 17th of September (last week) I again got a chance to visit his ashram for a few hours in the night and talk with him. Below are some photos from that trip to his simple ashram, where he sits with an ever burning sacred fire (akhanda dhuni).

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Three Days Food Distribution at Dayalu Baba Ashram for Makara Sankranti

Posted by | Jan 26, 2022 | 6,537 views

Every year around January 15th we help to organize the Makara Sankranti festival at Dayalu Baba’s ashram in Odisha. Dayalu Baba is a sadhu who has been living at the base of a sacred mountain on the edge of Odisha’s Simlipal forest range for many decades. This year we arranged to feed all the visitors for three days (14th, 15th and 16th of January) from morning till evening.

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Update on Building Rooms for Sadhus in the Forests of Odisha

Posted by | Dec 21, 2016 | 58,282 views

Last year we mentioned our desire to build rooms for elderly sadhus who had been staying for decades in the forests around the Bhola Giri mountain range in Odisha. We would like to give you an update on this project. With your assistance we have been able to help elderly sadhus staying at three ashrams in the jungles around this sacred mountain.

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The Rice Harvest at Dayalu Baba’s Ashram

Posted by | Jun 30, 2015 | 64,417 views

We would like to share with you some pictures of the yearly rice harvest at Dayalu Baba’s ashram. This is the second year that we have helped this ashram to produce rice and vegetables so that they can move towards being self-sufficient.

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Celebration of Makara Sankranti Festival at Dayalu Baba’s Ashram

Posted by | Feb 28, 2015 | 27,681 views

Last month devotees from the Bhaktivedanta Ashram organized the annual Makara Sankranti festival at Dayalu Baba’s Ashram. This is the fourth year that we have helped to organize the festival. This year, for the three days of the festival, we fed over 5,000 devotees who came from all the nearby villages. For all three days there was nonstop cooking and distribution of spiritual food from 9 am till 9 pm.

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