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Orphan Kapila Muni Meets the Ashram Bulls for the First Time

Posted by | Jun 22, 2024 | 641 views

Kapila Muni is a young golden coloured bull calf who has been coming to our ashram for around 7 months now. When very young Kapila Muni’s mother died from a snake bite and he was abandoned on the street all alone. Somehow he found our ashram and has been sleeping here every day since. From the first day he came we have made sure to feed him extra so that he could become healthy and strong.

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Broken Leg’s Journey: A Bull’s Tale

Posted by | Jun 20, 2024 | 1,746 views

Here are three of the smaller street bulls we have been locking up for the last week so they don’t end up being sacrificed during the Eid festival. Today we finally let them free to be back on the street. They did not like being locked up in the day, but it was for their own good.

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Treating a Badly Injured Street Bull at Our Ashram in Bhadrak

Posted by | May 9, 2022 | 5,584 views

Recently a street bull wandered into our ashram. He had just been attacked by someone with a machete and had a very deep wound on his back. We called a doctor and he said it would not heal unless we kept him restrained for a month and did proper treatment, so we brought him inside and took care of him for a month.

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Building a New Goshala for the Ashram Cows

Posted by | Feb 24, 2021 | 31,492 views

Its been a while since we posted an update about the protected cows at our ashram in Odisha. Some people have been asking us, “How does Baladeva the bull calf look today now that he is all grown up?” Let me share some photos of the cows along with the new goshala we built for them, which gives them more space and a bit more comfort.

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Meet Baladeva: A New Bull Calf Was Born at Our Ashram’s Goshala

Posted by | Oct 15, 2016 | 25,086 views

Last month a new bull calf was born at our ashram’s goshala in Orissa. Since he was completely white and born one day after Balarama Jayanti, we named him as Baladeva. This video has some clips of the first 20 days of his life.

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Meet the Cows and Bulls at Our Ashram’s Goshala

Posted by | Sep 9, 2015 | 38,242 views

We first began our goshala in 2013 when Vamana the bull was donated to our temple in Orissa, by a local villager. He had been coming to our temple every day for two years prior to that and we had been feeding him every day. After some time he didn’t want to go home and was spending all his time at our ashram. Seeing this, the owner agreed to donate him to the temple, and that was the beginning of our goshala.

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Vamana the Bull Joins the Ashram

Posted by | Oct 31, 2013 | 13,575 views

There is a small bull who has been coming to our temple for the last 2 years eating our garden plants. Every day I have been feeding him cow food (ground wheat powder) for the last 3 months. He spends the entire day at our temple and then goes home in the night.

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