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Lord Jagannatha Performs a Miracle for Boney Cow

Posted by | Jul 13, 2024 | 2,926 views

Here is one of our favorite bulls we were trying our best to save for many months. Because of his extreme skinny condition when he first arrived we called him “Boney Cow” when talking amongst ourselves, and the name stuck. It was not the best name, but it was the easiest way to understand who we were talking about visually. If I asked someone “Have you seen boney cow,” everyone knew who I was talking about even if they didn’t pay attention to all the cows and bulls who come through each day.

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Orphan Kapila Muni Meets the Ashram Bulls for the First Time

Posted by | Jun 22, 2024 | 641 views

Kapila Muni is a young golden coloured bull calf who has been coming to our ashram for around 7 months now. When very young Kapila Muni’s mother died from a snake bite and he was abandoned on the street all alone. Somehow he found our ashram and has been sleeping here every day since. From the first day he came we have made sure to feed him extra so that he could become healthy and strong.

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Broken Leg’s Journey: A Bull’s Tale

Posted by | Jun 20, 2024 | 1,746 views

Here are three of the smaller street bulls we have been locking up for the last week so they don’t end up being sacrificed during the Eid festival. Today we finally let them free to be back on the street. They did not like being locked up in the day, but it was for their own good.

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Ashram News and Notes (April, 2024)

Posted by | Apr 11, 2024 | 4,523 views

Recently we heard that one of the senior sadhus of this area who stays at the ashram in Chakratirtha had fell and hit his head, so we went to see how he was. He is now between 102 and 103 years old and due to his age has difficulty walking down steps.

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Ashram News and Notes (October, 2023)

Posted by | Oct 7, 2023 | 3,583 views

Here are some pictures of the first harvest of the ridge gourd we planted in the ashram goshala. The plants were growing too much so we had to add a trellis roof to stop them from going over the compound wall and give them a place to expand to.

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From Orphaned Puppy to Beloved Temple Visitor

Posted by | Sep 30, 2023 | 1,738 views

Yesterday we had to burry one of the street dogs we helped as a puppy. We heard she had been hit by a car, so we went out and found her body and brought her back to burry in our goshala. She had no external injuries or blood, so I guess it was a brain injury. Someone told us a car had hit her, after she walked for a minute and then died.

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Building a New Temple Chariot for Ratha Yatra at Our Jagannatha Temple

Posted by | Jul 4, 2023 | 4,306 views

This year we took up the task of making a new temple chariot for conducting the Ratha Yatra festival at our temple in Bhadrak, Odisha. This has been our desire for many years, going back to when this temple was first established 17 years ago.

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Celebration of Sri Jagannatha Ratha Yatra at Our Temple in Bhadrak, Odisha

Posted by | Jul 3, 2022 | 5,462 views

Yesterday we celebrated Sri Jagannatha Ratha Yatra at our temple in Bhadrak, Odisha. Below you can find some pictures from the celebrations. It was raining on and off throughout the day, but devotees still came to pull the cart through the street and participate in the kirtan. Prasadam was also distributed to all of the visitors.

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Treating a Badly Injured Street Bull at Our Ashram in Bhadrak

Posted by | May 9, 2022 | 5,583 views

Recently a street bull wandered into our ashram. He had just been attacked by someone with a machete and had a very deep wound on his back. We called a doctor and he said it would not heal unless we kept him restrained for a month and did proper treatment, so we brought him inside and took care of him for a month.

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