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The Last Photo I Took of Dayalu Baba

Posted by | Jun 12, 2024 | 685 views

This is the last photo I took of Dayalu Baba, 14 days before he departed. Seeing it makes me sad because it foreshadows what was to come, with him walking away as he leaves us.

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Farewell to Chandan Prabhu: A Beloved Mridanga Player and Devotee

Posted by | Jun 7, 2024 | 2,360 views

Yesterday (June 6th), another of our friends, Chandan prabhu, a long time devotee at Dayalu Baba’s ashram, passed away, just 10 days after baba had left. He was a professional mridanga player, and would always be there to help in the ashram and perform kirtan. I had known him for around 15 years, and his father was the one who sold us the farm land which we gave to Dayalu Baba for him to grow rice and sustain his ashram.

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Sri Dayalu Baba Enters Maha Samadhi at His Ashram in Odisha

Posted by | May 29, 2024 | 4,580 views

Yesterday (May 28th) at 10 am one of the great hidden sadhus of Odisha left his body and was placed in samadhi at his ashram in Mayurbhanj district of Odisha. Dayalu Baba had spent many decades roaming the forests around the sacred Ratna Giri mountain in the Salandi Reserve Forest and performing severe sadhana. He was a disciple of a great local saint named Rama Baba, who’s samadhi is now located in Jharkhand.

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Update on Eye Operations for 102 Year Old Sadhu Brahma Chaitanya Das

Posted by | Dec 7, 2023 | 3,731 views

Back in February we had written about a senior sadhu in our area, Brahma Chaitanya Das, who needed to have cataract operations on both of his eyes, as due to his advanced age of 102 years he was no longer able to see clearly. Now that it is all complete we are able to inform you of the final update on everything.

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Sri Vishwanatha Baba Enters Maha Samadhi at Chakratirtha Ashram in Odisha

Posted by | Apr 21, 2023 | 7,868 views

Yesterday (April 20th) at 2 am, one of the great saints and mahatmas left us and was placed in samadhi. I have known Vishwanatha Baba for around 20 years. He was a brahmachari sadhu his entire life from childhood. He is the younger brother of another sadhu, 101 year old Chakratirtha Baba, and both of them have resided in the forest at Chakratirtha for the last 50 years.

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Taking 101 Year Old Sadhu Brahma Chaitanya Das to the Eye Hospital

Posted by | Feb 2, 2023 | 5,011 views

Three weeks ago we received an unexpected call from one of the devotees who lives near the ashram of the sadhus in Salandi Reserve Forest. The devotee told us, “Baba has agreed for an eye operation. Please come and take him to make the arrangements.” He was speaking of Brahma Chaitanya Das, the 101 year old sadhu who has spent most of his life living inside the forest at Chakratirtha.

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The Ancient Prophecy of Shankaracharya About Joshimath and the Self Manifesting Deity at Bhavishya Badri

Posted by | Jan 11, 2023 | 19,601 views

In the last few days there have been many news reports of cracks appearing on roads and buildings at Joshimath near to Badrinath. Even the ancient Narasimha temple established by Adi Shankaracharya is said to be cracking.

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Visiting the Sadhus at Chakratirtha Ashram to Attend the Gita Yagya

Posted by | Dec 22, 2022 | 5,816 views

As mentioned in our last post, sadhu Brahma Chaitanya Das had asked us to come with him to attend the annual Gita Yagya festival at Chakratirtha ashram in the beginning of December. Chakratirtha ashram is located in the Salandi Reserve Forest, around 50 kilometers from our ashram at Bhadrak, Odisha. I called my friend who drives an auto rickshaw, and we started the day before the festival. It takes us around 2 hours to reach there from our ashram by auto rickshaw.

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Visiting 101 Year Old Sadhu Brahma Chaitanya Das for Gita Yagya

Posted by | Dec 1, 2022 | 5,827 views

Yesterday I went to see 101 year old sadhu Brahma Chaitanya Das. Due to the cold weather he was staying at a devotee’s house in Chenapadi village rather than at his ashram in the forest.

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A Small Follow Up on My Visit to Nityananda Baba

Posted by | Sep 26, 2022 | 11,973 views

Last year (September 2021) I shared a post where Nityananda Baba told me the world war (vishwa yudha as sadhus call it) would begin in 2022. On the 17th of September (last week) I again got a chance to visit his ashram for a few hours in the night and talk with him. Below are some photos from that trip to his simple ashram, where he sits with an ever burning sacred fire (akhanda dhuni).

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