We would like to share some photos and video clips from some of the recent food distribution programs conducted by our Ashram in Andhra Pradesh. This set of photos is from Pandirivalasa village, in Vishakapatnam district of Andhra Pradesh.

Pandirivalasa village is a tribal (adivasi) hamlet located near the tourist hillstation of Anantagiri. This village is located very remotely, near the mountains and forests, away from any town or modern facilities. The nearest small town is 20 kilometers away. The surrounding area is a beautiful and natural place, with lots of mountains, forests, waterfalls and so on.

All of the adivasi villagers in this area are very poor. Many of the tribal families sold whatever land they had to outsiders, and due to their lack of education lost most of the money too cheaters from the cities.

Somehow they manage to make a living by herding goats and growing some vegetables. Still they find it difficult to have one good meal a day. When we first visited this village many of the people told us their stories and their difficulties.

After few days we brought the prasadam for them – vegetable pulao, vegetable kurma, gavvalu, papad and sweets. Our devotees asked them after eating the prasadam how they felt about the program. They replied that they felt overjoyed.

Unfortunately it is very hard for us to visit this village regularly, as it is a difficult way to go, on a mountain road, over 60 kilometers from the ashram. We will try to make more visits to this village as much as possible.

On the way back to the ashram, we had saved some of the fried chips, called “Gavvalu”, which are always the favorite of the children. We would be passing through another village, and wanted to give some gavvalu to the children we would be meeting. As soon as the children saw us they gathered around our vehicle. We began handing out the gavvalu to the children. They were so excited to get this, that they weren’t only filling their hands with gavvalu, they were actually holding their dresses and shirts up to make a big pocket which they could fill with gavvalu. You can see in the photos all of the children are holding their dresses, it is because they have filled it with these fried chips and want to carry it home.

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