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Ashram News and Notes (October, 2023)

Posted by | Oct 7, 2023 | 3,583 views

Here are some pictures of the first harvest of the ridge gourd we planted in the ashram goshala. The plants were growing too much so we had to add a trellis roof to stop them from going over the compound wall and give them a place to expand to.

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From Orphaned Puppy to Beloved Temple Visitor

Posted by | Sep 30, 2023 | 1,738 views

Yesterday we had to burry one of the street dogs we helped as a puppy. We heard she had been hit by a car, so we went out and found her body and brought her back to burry in our goshala. She had no external injuries or blood, so I guess it was a brain injury. Someone told us a car had hit her, after she walked for a minute and then died.

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The Northern Lights: A Glimpse into the Cosmic Dance of Divine Effulgent Beings

Posted by | Sep 29, 2023 | 4,647 views

What are the Northern Lights? According to the ancient Vedic teachings, the north pole contains the pivot of the universal earth plane in the form of the magnetic Meru mountain (hence compasses point to the North Pole), and all stars revolve around that pivot like lights on a spinning chandelier.

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Cow Leather in Sports: Unraveling the Asura Agenda

Posted by | Sep 17, 2023 | 1,608 views

The NFL kills 3,000 cows a year to make footballs, totaling over 300,000 cows since 1920. If you include the official regulation footballs sold to the public its 35,000 cows a year.

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Building a New Temple Chariot for Ratha Yatra at Our Jagannatha Temple

Posted by | Jul 4, 2023 | 4,307 views

This year we took up the task of making a new temple chariot for conducting the Ratha Yatra festival at our temple in Bhadrak, Odisha. This has been our desire for many years, going back to when this temple was first established 17 years ago.

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Sri Vishwanatha Baba Enters Maha Samadhi at Chakratirtha Ashram in Odisha

Posted by | Apr 21, 2023 | 7,469 views

Yesterday (April 20th) at 2 am, one of the great saints and mahatmas left us and was placed in samadhi. I have known Vishwanatha Baba for around 20 years. He was a brahmachari sadhu his entire life from childhood. He is the younger brother of another sadhu, 101 year old Chakratirtha Baba, and both of them have resided in the forest at Chakratirtha for the last 50 years.

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Taking 101 Year Old Sadhu Brahma Chaitanya Das to the Eye Hospital

Posted by | Feb 2, 2023 | 4,779 views

Three weeks ago we received an unexpected call from one of the devotees who lives near the ashram of the sadhus in Salandi Reserve Forest. The devotee told us, “Baba has agreed for an eye operation. Please come and take him to make the arrangements.” He was speaking of Brahma Chaitanya Das, the 101 year old sadhu who has spent most of his life living inside the forest at Chakratirtha.

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The Ancient Prophecy of Shankaracharya About Joshimath and the Self Manifesting Deity at Bhavishya Badri

Posted by | Jan 11, 2023 | 18,386 views

In the last few days there have been many news reports of cracks appearing on roads and buildings at Joshimath near to Badrinath. Even the ancient Narasimha temple established by Adi Shankaracharya is said to be cracking.

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