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Visiting the Sadhus at Chakratirtha Ashram to Attend the Gita Yagya

Posted by | Dec 22, 2022 | 5,543 views

As mentioned in our last post, sadhu Brahma Chaitanya Das had asked us to come with him to attend the annual Gita Yagya festival at Chakratirtha ashram in the beginning of December. Chakratirtha ashram is located in the Salandi Reserve Forest, around 50 kilometers from our ashram at Bhadrak, Odisha. I called my friend who drives an auto rickshaw, and we started the day before the festival. It takes us around 2 hours to reach there from our ashram by auto rickshaw.

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Visiting 101 Year Old Sadhu Brahma Chaitanya Das for Gita Yagya

Posted by | Dec 1, 2022 | 5,620 views

Yesterday I went to see 101 year old sadhu Brahma Chaitanya Das. Due to the cold weather he was staying at a devotee’s house in Chenapadi village rather than at his ashram in the forest.

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The Real Cause of Global Climate Change and Abnormal Weather Patterns

Posted by | Nov 1, 2022 | 2,074 views

Global climate change and abnormal weather patterns have nothing to do with pollution. It is nature’s (i.e. the divine Goddess’) natural reaction to an increase in sinful activity in the world. As the level of sinful activity increases (abortions, killing animals especially cows, non-performance of sacrifice, improper moral conduct of humanity, etc.) the nature withholds her gifts in the form of proper climate, rain, and natural abundance.

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A Small Follow Up on My Visit to Nityananda Baba

Posted by | Sep 26, 2022 | 11,609 views

Last year (September 2021) I shared a post where Nityananda Baba told me the world war (vishwa yudha as sadhus call it) would begin in 2022. On the 17th of September (last week) I again got a chance to visit his ashram for a few hours in the night and talk with him. Below are some photos from that trip to his simple ashram, where he sits with an ever burning sacred fire (akhanda dhuni).

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Celebration of Sri Jagannatha Ratha Yatra at Our Temple in Bhadrak, Odisha

Posted by | Jul 3, 2022 | 5,463 views

Yesterday we celebrated Sri Jagannatha Ratha Yatra at our temple in Bhadrak, Odisha. Below you can find some pictures from the celebrations. It was raining on and off throughout the day, but devotees still came to pull the cart through the street and participate in the kirtan. Prasadam was also distributed to all of the visitors.

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Treating a Badly Injured Street Bull at Our Ashram in Bhadrak

Posted by | May 9, 2022 | 5,584 views

Recently a street bull wandered into our ashram. He had just been attacked by someone with a machete and had a very deep wound on his back. We called a doctor and he said it would not heal unless we kept him restrained for a month and did proper treatment, so we brought him inside and took care of him for a month.

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Short Video of Dayalu Baba Making Tea for Visitors

Posted by | Mar 27, 2022 | 2,911 views

Dayalu Baba making tea for visitors to the ashram. He cooks on a mud stove using wood fire. Gas cylinders have not yet come to these areas. Other than red tea, milk and sugar he also puts cardamom and cloves.

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Vadalur Baba, One of the Greatest Saints and Mystic Yogis, Entered Samadhi on Amalaki Ekadashi

Posted by | Mar 16, 2022 | 13,694 views

Two days ago, on the auspicious occasion of Amalaki Ekadashi, one of the greatest saints and mystic yogis I have known in this life has entered samadhi and left us. He was an amazing personality who could see past, present, and future, and just by looking at you he knew everything you did, your background, your problems, and all varieties of details about you.

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Celebrating Shivaratri at Dayalu Baba’s Ashram

Posted by | Mar 12, 2022 | 6,048 views

This year Shivaratri fell on March 1st, and as mentioned in a previous post we wanted to help Dayalu Baba with the festival by arranging for the feeding of all the visitors and devotees throughout the day and night.

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Vishwanatha Baba’s Warning from the Assembly of Sadhus

Posted by | Feb 17, 2022 | 14,559 views

I was thinking not to post this one because people may get caught up on the interpretation. But finally I thought I might as well put it out there, and leave it for everyone to interpret how they like.

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