Below are a few recent photos of the food distribution program being conducted in Randiya at our Ashram’s relief center. There is also an 8 minute video, so that you can get a better view of the children whom you are helping.

Randiya is a very poor rural village located around 20 km away from our main Ashram in Orissa. The village consists of people from the adivasi (tribal) community. Most of the villagers work as field laborers on other people’s farms, tilling the fields and growing rice. Due to poverty, the children of the village have to start working as young as 6 years old, and their usual daily meal is one of just plain rice and salt. As you can see in the photos and video, many of the children do not even have clothes to wear.

Around two years ago, the Bhaktivedanta Ashram opened a relief center here and began regular distribution of free meals to more than 300 children of the village. Since that time we have been able to distribute over 44,000 meals to these wonderful children. Please take a few minutes to watch the video and get to know the children of this village.

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