We are all very saddened about the terrible devastation that has fallen on our brothers and sisters in South India and other parts of the world. In response to the recent tsunami, the Bhaktivedanta Ashram has sent a team of volunteers to Tamil Nadu to carry out relief work to help the victims. Due to the long term effects of this disaster, the Bhaktivedanta Ashram has opened a permanent relief center in Chennai so that relief activities can continue even after the immediate media attention dies down.

With our past experience of the Orissa cyclone in 1999 we know that such disasters lead to long term difficulties for the victims that continue even after the relief organizations leave. With that in mind we are planning to maintain our relief center in Tamil Nadu permanently so that we can continue caring for those in need, especially the children who are affected by this disaster. To achieve this goal we have launched the “Tsunami Orphans Relief Fund” to care for the needs of these children throughout their lives. When donating, you may choose whether you want your donation to go towards “Tsunami Emergency Relief” or the “Tsunami Orphans Relief Fund”.

To provide long term relief and assistance to children orphaned by this disaster in the following forms: food, clothes, education grants, medical expenses, counseling and other needs. This fund is not intended only for short term relief, but will continue to help these children throughout their lives.

In such a situation with millions of displaced people suffering in need of food and clothing it seems an impossible task, but we should not let this discourage us. Let every one of us help in whatever little way we can. We humbly request all those with sufficient means to donate towards the tsunami relief work in Tamil Nadu.

I would like to again thank all of our friends and donors who have contributed towards our projects in the past and request everyone to offer whatever service they can, regardless of how small, to help this urgent cause.

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